Management of Third Party Activities
With over 90 Third Party interfaces successfully managed, AFS Projects has become well known within the pipeline industry as the go-to people to manage encroachment works on behalf of the pipeline licensee.
When engaged from the project inception, AFS Projects work with the project proponent to optimise the design ensuring it meets the requirements of AS2885, pipeline licensee specifications and the overall impact is minimised.
Thereafter, AFS Projects work with the proponent’s contractors to develop a construction methodology which minimises risks to the pipeline. Other services which AFS provide in managing these activities are:
Conducting encroachment and land use Safety Management Studies assessing both temporary construction risks and permanent land-use risks are ALARP
Deliver pipeline protection works (ie. recoating) which may be necessary as a result of the development and
Providing inspectors to oversee the proponents works on behalf of the pipeline licensee
Upon completion of the project, AFS Projects will prepare a project data book in a format agreed with the pipeline company containing all as built data from both any required pipeline protection works and data from the infrastructure project.

Image: Upper Point Cook Estate pipeline easement after landscaping.